Now it’s time to delve a little deeper into her Naravan Chronicles with an all-new
interview because she has recently expanded that universe for your reading
And stay tuned because the giveaway details follow the
The Galaxy Express: Your
category length sci-fi romance THE
Chronicles) was released by Samhain Publishing in 2008. Please describe
five basic facts readers should know about your Naravan universe.
Isabo Kelly: Thanks for having me at The Galaxy Express
today, Heather!
Five basic facts. Okay.
1. Narava is a planet in our galaxy
that was populated by humans (from Earth) roughly 120 years prior to the events
of the novel.
2. There is interplanetary travel in this universe and advanced
technology mixed with some more mundane human inventions.
3. Humans have only
encountered a few other sentient beings in the galaxy since they started moving
away from Earth (150 years earlier), but have settled on several livable
planets and moons, and set up a few space stations.
4. Fifty years after
settling on Narava, humans discovered there was a native species living on the
planet that could shape-shift into anything organic and which humans couldn’t
communicate with.
5. The shape-shifting native species—called the Shifters by
humans—are considered by many to be extremely dangerous and so their
extermination has been sanctioned by the Naravan government (though there are
pockets of humans who do not agree with this action).
I’m sure there’s more basic facts. But that will set readers
up going into the first book. J
TGE: Congratulations
on the releases of your latest sci-fi romances, THE SECRET OF NARAVA and
INTERFACE! What are the timelines of these stories in relation to THE PROMISE
IK: Thanks! INTERFACE takes placed approximately one month
starts roughly thirteen months after the main events of THE PROMISE OF
KIERNA’RHOAN. (Local Naravan time *g*)
TGE: What’s the
premise of INTERFACE?
IK: Here’s the official blurb:
When unexpected side-effects in Gina Xanacovich’s nanotech
research leads to murder and death threats, her father hires private
mercenaries to protect her. But Johan “Alex” Alexander proves to be just as
dangerous to her peace of mind as the threats against her life. Worse, his
seductive voice and irritatingly calm presence keep Gina on edge, making her
want more from him than just being her bodyguard.
Giving into their growing attraction, Gina finds it hard to
focus beyond her obsession with the sexy mercenary. She knows if she can’t
reign in her desire, she won’t live long enough to discover those responsible
for the murders and threats. Nor will she discover how far things can go with Alex.
TGE: What kind of
adventure can readers expect from THE SECRET OF NARAVA?
IK: THE SECRET OF NARAVA digs deeper into the history of the
Shifters and really ups the stakes in the situation between Shifters and humans.
There’s no going back after this book.
The heroine, Dr. Ti’ann Jones, is a paleontologist who never
had any intention of getting involved in the Shifter issue. But circumstances
conspire against her and she has to find a strength she never realized she had
to do what has to be done. The hero, Nathan Longfeather, makes his first
appearance in INTERFACE as a secondary character and is a cousin to Kira
Farseaker, the heroine from THE PROMISE OF KIERNA’RHOAN. He’s been avoiding the
Shifter issue for years too, for his own reasons, and now has to take up a
cause he never intended to champion.
Here’s the official blurb:
Their discovery could
lead to war . . .
Paleontologist, Dr. Ti'ann Jones, uncovers a mystery that
could alter the course of her planet's future, putting her and her people in
grave danger. She's forced to call in security to protect her dig site. But the
man who shows up threatens Ti'ann on a much more personal level. She's spent
the last three years trying to forget Nathan Longfeather and the incredible
things he did to her body, but it's apparent he's already forgotten her.
Nathan thought guarding an archaeological dig site would be
an easy and welcome break from his normal high-tension contracts. But when he
comes face-to-face with a woman he hasn't been able to forget for the last
three years, he finds himself torn between the job and dragging Ti'ann back to
his ship to remind her of those brief erotic nights they spent together. Nights
she seems to have forgotten.
As the truth of Ti'ann's discovery is revealed, Nathan's job
gets a lot more serious, and keeping Ti'ann and her team alive becomes his top
priority. In a time when anything to do with Narava's native species, the
Shifters, leads to violence, Ti'ann and Nathan face enemies from both sides of
the conflict and will have to find a way to prevent a planet-wide war. If they
can survive, they might just have a future…together.
TGE: You’ve written
other sci-fi romances such as MARSHALL’S GUARD. What
are some of the hallmarks of a sci-fi romance by Isabo Kelly?
IK: I think adventure and action are pretty prevalent in my
sci-fi romances. I like a good old-fashioned space-opera type adventure. But my
scientific background is in biology (I have a Ph.D. in ethology) so there tends
to be elements of biology and genetics in a lot of my sci-fi. I don’t usually
get too in-depth into the techy end of things (though not for lack of trying
occasionally *g*) and focus more on the human relationships and interactions,
the implications of what humans do within their universe.
I love creating
new species (my biologist showing there), so my humans are rarely alone in the
universe. My heroines tend to be strong, smart, and can take care of themselves
(most of them anyway). But they do like having a strong man at their backs,
helping them survive and do the right thing.
Also I love throwing in elements that might at first sound
like “fantasy” but I have scientifically plausible explanation. The full
explanations don’t always make it into a book just because my point of view
characters might not know or understand those details. But I really enjoy
making something that seems like “magic” plausible. The Shifters in the Naravan
Chronicles are a good example of this. The time traveling Kyzits in MARSHALL’S
GUARD are another example.
And, of course, because these are romances we’re talking
about, my books focus on the developing relationship between the two main
characters and their growing respect and love—and lust. There’s always plenty
of lust and sex. *g*
TGE: Where can
readers find these stories?
IK: All of my books are available as e-book at most of the
major retailers (Amazon, B&N, AllRomanceEbooks, etc…). You can also go
directly to the publisher’s websites (see the links below). A few of them—like
paperback directly from the publisher’s websites or from major online
TGE: How can readers
connect with you?
IK: Readers can visit me at my website: www.isabokelly.com or follow me on
Twitter @IsaboKelly. I spend most of my social networking time on Twitter (more
than I should probably *g*), so this is a good place to find me! I’m also up
for friending on Facebook www.facebook.com/IsaboKelly,
or you can just email me directly at isabo@isabokelly.com I love hearing from readers so don’t be shy!
* * *
Ms. Kelly, thanks for your time, and for your art.
*Sparkly* Giveaway!
Leave a comment for this post and you’ll be entered for a
chance to win a paperback copy of Isabo Kelly’s THE PROMISE OF KIERNA’RHOAN (international
Alternately, if the winner has read/owned that book, s/he
can select an ebook copy of any title from the author’s backlist.
The deadline to enter is midnight
PST on Thursday, November 22, 2012.
You tell me: If you could shapeshift into anything, what
type of creature would you become?
Joyfully yours,