ROMVETS is an online community and organization “…exclusively for women veterans who have proudly served their country and who are also writers.” Read the history of “military women who have turned sword into pen.” Also, check out the Company Roster, which lists each member’s branch of service and specialty.
I was excited to learn that a number of their members included published and aspiring authors of science fiction romance (according to our broad & inclusive definition here at The Galaxy Express). Therefore, I’m proud to present the work of the following ROMVET scribes:

Susan Grant is the dedicated author of numerous science fiction romances. For more about her work, check out her Author Supernova feature here aboard The Galaxy Express. She’s also a double 2008 PRISM winner for MY FAVORITE EARTHLING (first place) and HOW TO LOSE AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL IN 10 DAYS (second place). Congratulations, Susan!

Pam McCutcheon is another PRISM winner, for Best Futuristic Romance of 1996. From the author’s Web site, here’s the blurb from QUICKSILVER:
Sparks fly when a smart-mouthed Terran psychiatrist engages in a battle of wits and endurance with a pigheaded barbarian from the planet Delphi, their only referee a mischievous moncat who helps them transform compromise to love.
Pam McCutcheon also penned GOLDEN PROPHECIES, and you can read a brief summary at LoveSpace here.
Dawn Jackson recently sold her first short story to Ravenous Romance. With her energetic storytelling involving bio-mech technology, love triangles, otherworldly creatures, and ground based troops battling for survival in hostile landscapes, she’s sure to launch an epic into the science fiction romance universe soon.

Another ROMVETS member you should know about is “Future Empress of the Galaxy” and 2007 Romantic Times winner Nathalie Gray, author of seven science fiction/futuristic erotica romances. Her books are sexy, spicy, and action packed. Her forthcoming release, CHIMERA, will be available in December 2009. Recently, she guest blogged at Alien Romances: A Long Time ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…MY ASS! It’s a fun read so check it out.

Loribelle Hunt is an author of erotic paranormal romances, but she also penned a futuristic romance, INVASION EARTH. Her first print book, LUNAR MATES, was released in September 2008. She’s also a member of The Novelty Girls, and here are some posts that turned up when I did a search for futuristic romance!

Sandy Wickersham-McWhorter brings us THE WINDS OF FALL, “…a sexy contemporary science fiction romance with paranormal touches.” It’s available now from The Wild Rose Press. Look for the print release in December 2008. As if writing didn’t keep her busy enough, she’s also president of the Mid-Ohio Writers Association. If you missed this year’s Midwestern Dreams Writers Conference, you now have plenty of time to plan for attending next year!
For those of you who like things extra steamy, Shelby Stone is the author of a futuristic erotica novella, THE GELDING. It’s available at Mystic Moon Press.

Jo Ann on each part of her name to visit all of her sites! I asked Jo Ann to tell me a little about her SFR related books and here’s what she revealed:
THE DREAM CHRONICLES are set in an alternate world where the good guys are under siege by two different groups—one worships science and gives the “Star Trek gone bad” side of the equation; the other is more fantasy and destroys dreams, driving our good guys mad. (This is a four book series. The final installment will be released at the end of 2008.)
SWORN UPON FIRE is the other alternate world book—it’s set on a world where everything around the people has frozen: the moons in mid-eclipse, the sun, the weather. Nothing is moving, and the heroine/hero have to find a way to get it moving again before the world self-destructs.
And finally, a really neat collaboration arose from ROMVETS: Lindsay McKenna, Cindy Dees, PC Cast and Merline Lovelace are the authors of the forthcoming TIME RAIDERS series that will be released by Silhouette Nocturne.
The ROMVETS are actively recruiting, so if you’re a romance writer and a veteran, contact them! (Scroll down to bottom of page for email address.)
In conclusion, if any of the ROMVET ladies would care to comment, feel free to step up to the mike and chat! Tell us more about your books/novellas. Share a bit about your military background. What are the details an author should get right when writing about military characters/settings? Regale us to your heart’s content.
Thanks for your dedication to our country, and for your art!
Joyfully yours,
Postus Scriptus: Special thanks to Dawn Jackson for helping me connect with such an exciting group of women!