I’m jazzed to share that I participated in two genre roundtables last week:
John DeNardo of SFSignal invited me to participate in his regular Mind Meld feature. The topic is “What’s your favorite sub-genre of science fiction and/or fantasy?” Mine’s the last post, and I’ll bet you can’t guess what it is. ;)
Thanks, SFSignal, for the opportunity to share my excitement about this genre. What great support the gesture demonstrated for science fiction romance. (Now if only the romance community can work up just as much ardor about science fiction romance...!)
The second roundtable took place at John Ottinger III’s blog, Grasping for the Wind. The participants plunged “Inside The Blogosphere” to explore SF&F’s Bedroom Antics. Ooh la la!
Enjoy, and feel free to go forth and comment.
Joyfully yours,