I hope I’ve created a gritty, roller-coaster thriller. I want the reader to walk away from my book saying, “Wow! Didn’t see that coming. My heart is still pounding.”
Welcome back to our continuing celebration of author Jordan Summers!
The above quote (excerpted from her Fangs, Fur & Fey interview) struck me because I routinely expect that type of adventure no matter the particular blend of science fiction and romance. It’s why this sub-genre is a particular favorite of mine.
I’ve been spoiled by stories that have left me crackling with electricity and sobbing by the end because it’s so difficult to leave that world.
For me, the blending of different genres and elements (e.g., post-apocalyptic fairy tale) automatically lends a certain level of intrigue and excitement. Unpredictability. That’s where I get my “high on reading” rush.
By its own nature, you’re more likely to find such experimentation in niche markets but blending the elements effectively isn’t easy to accomplish.
Jordan Summers greeted that challenge, however—head on.
In the following linkage, you can find out exactly what her journey entailed and how Jordan's trilogy came into being. It's inspiring words for those who want to see their own books in print.
* Hot off the press and just for you, Ramblings on Romance provides a recent interview with the author.
* Fangs, Fur & Fey interviews the author and among their questions is the query: What might readers be surprised to know about Jordan Summers?
* At Much Cheaper Than Therapy, she describes authors who inspire her such as Lynn Viehl and Dara Joy.
* And at her Midnight Moon Café interview, Jordan reveals a little bit about what’s in the pipeline.
The Book:
* Learn about RED’s evolution in this feature at John Scalzi’s Whatever.
* Kmont and Katie Discuss Jordan Summers’ RED [beware Spoiler Alerts] (and Kmont praises Ms. Summers for “'going there’ with the villain” (!)).
Genre Fun:
* Kiss Me, Cyborg in which Ms. Summers dishes on the Q.T. what some RT editors think may be the next big thing (hint: it begins with "sci" and ends in "fi"). She also blogged about Sci-fi Romances (and whoa, 72 comments piled up!).
* Jordan Summers is a regular at Romancing The Blog. In Cha-cha-cha-changes in Reading Tastes… she explores the allure of other genres that seduce one away from the romance aisle.
And stay tuned.... After you’ve sampled more Jordan Summers in an exclusive interview later this week, the good ship Galaxy Express is also giving away a copy of RED, her post-apocalyptic adventure! (Dare you miss it? I dare think not!;)
Joyfully yours,