It's time to get down and boogie because there's a host of happenings in the science fiction romance realm this week. New releases, space pirates, and Philip Guthrie, oh my!
A hearty congratulations goes out to Susan Grant, whose MOONSTRUCK made the Library Journal’s Best of 2008 list! Her current book, THE WARLORD’S DAUGHTER, is available now for your reading pleasure. Check out the book trailer here.
And feast your orbs on this particular unveiling: Susan Grant recently guest blogged at Harlequin’s Paranormal Romance Blog. There she revealed the name of her swashbuckling lady space pirate from her forthcoming book—Valeeya Blue! This is the third book in Grant’s Borderlands series. Check out the story:
With a brief and passionate history they wish they didn’t share, legendary pirate captains Valeeya Blue and Dake Sureblood are sworn enemies. Now the chance to prove the truth about his clan’s role in her father’s murder has Dake agreeing to work for the Triad to terminate Val’s swashbuckling ways–if she doesn’t execute him first. But as the identity of the real killer becomes apparent, the one-time nemeses start getting cozy, and soon they’re sharing more than just a spaceship.
Color me sold!
Also, the PEARL winners were announced (thanks to Linnea Sinclair for the info). The notable SFR books are as follows:
Best Futuristic Romance: DARK LIGHT by Jayne Castle (Honorable Mention: HEART FATE by Robin D. Owens)
* Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: SHADES OF DARK by Linnea Sinclair
* Honorable Mention for Time Travel Romance: TWIST by Colby Hodge
* Best New Author: Ann Aguirre
Congratulations, all!
Jess Granger’s Ethel the Space Pirate is still going strong! Check out the latest installment here. And after that, you can read an interview with the author at Cynthia Eden’s blog: Jess Granger…An Author to Watch!
Spacefreighters’ Lounge reviews Linnea Sinclair’s HOPE’S FOLLY, the third book in the Gabriel’s Ghost universe.
Here's another review of HOPE'S FOLLY courtesy of Frances Writes, who dubs the book "an excellent thriller."
And you can go buy HOPE’S FOLLY because it’s out right now!
Over at Magical Musings, Linnea Sinclair muses about Writing Cross Genre.
Fantasy Debut is starting a new feature for unpublished and self-published authors called Discovery Showcase. First up is an excerpt from Kimber An’s The Star Captain’s Daughter. If you’re an aspiring science fiction romance author, this is yet another way to get your name out there.
Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin’ Blog presents an interview with book cover illustrator Timothy Lantz. He conceived the art for Dru Pagliassotti’s CLOCKWORK HEART (you know, the one that deserves to be nominated for a Hugo!).
Watch your newsstand: Romantic Times BOOKreviews will include a spotlight on Katherine Allred’s CLOSE ENCOUNTERS in the April 2009 issue.
Weigh in about your thoughts on book marketing (along with yours truly) at Inside the Blogosphere: Book Marketing Favorites, hosted by the poetically named "The World in the Satin Bag."
My latest Tor.com post addresses Dear Publishers: Girls Read Comics, Too.
Mark your calendars! From March 9-14, the "Beyond Her Book" host Barbara Vey will be celebrating her two-year anniversary blogging for PUBLISHERS WEEKLY! During Anniversary Week, there will be all kinds of festivities, from author, publisher, and agent appearances to giveaways.
The Galaxy Express will dock at there on March 9 and 14, so drop by and comment those days for a chance to win some science fiction romance swag!
And lastly...stay glued to this blog because I’ll be making a Very Special Announcement here quite soon!
Don’t you just love a good tease?!
Joyfully yours,