New Releases

Kristin Landon concludes her intense science fiction romance trilogy that began with THE HIDDEN WORLDS and continued with THE COLD MINDS. The story culminates in her latest release, THE DARK REACHES (June 24, Ace).

If superhero characters finding lurrvv are up your alley, A.J. Menden offers you TEKGRRL (Dorchester).

“If you’re not afraid of the big bad wolf… you should be.” Post-apocalyptic thrills, chills, and romance await you as Gina Santiago and Morgan Hunter continue their adventures in Jordan Summers’ SCARLET (Tor).
Congratulations to Skiffy Rommer Ella Drake who has signed with Liquid Silver Publishing for an erotic SFR novella for their Hearts Afire Series.
From Karen Fox: “Author of Undercover and Relentless Lauren Dane’s INSATIABLE, a futuristic romance in which a soldier in the Federation's shadowy and ultra-secret Phantom Corps is sent on a mission into Imperial territory to smuggle out a woman who may hold the key to turning the rising tide and winning the war before it starts, to Leis Pederson at Berkley Heat, in a nice deal ($1 - $49,000), for publication in Summer 2010, by Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency. - Publisher's Lunch 5/8/2009”
At Alien Romances, Jacqueline Lichtenberg presents an insightful reality check in Marketing Fiction in a Changing World. It’s long, but well worth reading, especially for authors struggling to compete in today’s unpredictable economy.
Robie Madison presents Angela James on Fantasy & Paranormal Genres. (Thanks to Ella Drake for the link.) This is particularly helpful if you’re wondering how to label your manuscript when querying. And lucky for us, Ms. James can’t seem to go a single interview without mentioning science fiction romance. ;-)
Author interviews
A C.J. Cherryh interview courtesy of SFSignal.
Ellen Joyce Armond interviewed author Charlotte Boyett Compo. While an older interview, lots of good info about epublishing and how to prepare for such a career from the author’s perspective.
Linnea Sinclair answers the question, “So what’s Dock Five really like?” The answer is not what you think.
In the Ghetto Groove
Bitches and Bosoms, Oh Boy! Diana Rowland interviews Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches at The Magic District. They discuss the ghettoization of romance—and SF sure can empathize with that, right?! (Thanks to Smart Bitches for the link).
Valerie Robertson asks, How Will We Swear in the Future?
Joyfully yours,