Agent Z, TGE regular and intergalactic spy extraordinaire, recently had a horror short story published with Dog Oil Press under one of her many pseudonyms. A Taste of Revenge is free and wickedly subversive (consider yourself warned!). Congratulations, Z!

Thanks and a big ol’ hug to everyone who nominated The Galaxy Express for the Book Bloggers Appreciation Award. My blog has been short listed in the Best Speculative Fiction category.
I’m in great company—Bibliophile Stalker, Dribble of Ink,, and The Book Zombie. A complete list of the nominees is here.
The BBAW Voting Booth is open until Saturday September 12 at 11:59 PM EST. Sally forth and vote for your favorite book bloggers!
In other news, Skiffy Rommer Donna S. Frelick has launched her Web site.
Tomorrow, I’m guest blogging at Borders True Romance Blog. Thanks again to Dear Author, Smart Bitches, and host Sue Grimshaw for this fun opportunity to share the science fiction romance love. I’ll post a direct link as soon as it’s up.
Joyfully yours,