Come one, come all! It's Steampunk Appreciation Week at The Book Smugglers. The event kicked off yesterday with an introduction to the subgenre:
With several now classic, widely respected and heralded novels already published in the Steampunk sub-genre, and with many more in the works from various publishing houses and well-established authors from different background (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Adult, YA, Erotica, etc), it is impossible to deny Steampunk is a growing trend – and it is here to stay, at least in the foreseeable future.
In Bloggers Talk Steampunk, a variety of contributors attempt to define steampunk (this includes a post by me--third entry down; look for the image of STEAMBOY).
The Book Smugglers will feature all kinds of steampunk goodness this week including reviews, features on steampunk films, and steampunk art & design. Click here for the full calendar of events.
Have fun!
Joyfully yours,