I'm blogging about steampunk romance today at The Book Smugglers as part of their Steampunk Appreciation Week special: Steampunk Romance: Love, Gadgets, & Themes
Susan Grant is celebrating this month's re-release of her Star trilogy with a contest. Click here to enter for a chance to win "a set of the original copies, autographed." It's "A rare chance to own these books with the original covers!"
Look for the newly minted books April 27.
From the frozen north, Cathy Pegau brings us Five Reasons To Read Kristin Landon's Hidden Worlds Trilogy.
Via SFR Brigade:
"There are two new agents at the L. Perkins Agency that look like strong possibilities for SFR...." Click here for more information.
At FF&P, Linnea Sinclair announces a forthcoming workshop: Prune Your Prose: This Means You!
Joyfully yours,