Another science fiction romance is in the house! Katherine Allred's CLOSE CONTACT is now out. The author has a number of giveaways and blog visits scheduled. Here's where you can find her this week as stated on her site:
June 8th: Launch party for Close Contact at the SFR Brigade (that's today!). Read an interview with the author, and one commentor will win copies of Close Encounters and Close Contact.
June 10th: FF&P Blog
June 11th: Cynthia Eden's Blog. One commentor will win copies of Close Encounters and Close Contact.
Week of June 14th: Romantic Times Author Spotlight. This will include a new excerpt from Close Contact.
CLOSE CONTACT is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Borders. Amazon will also have a Kindle edition.
Congratulations, Ms. Allred!
Joyfully yours,