The ebook revolution is expanding again, courtesy of this awesome news from Publishers Weekly (via @jane_l) (thanks to @janoda for the heads up):
Beginning September 15, Publishers Weekly's romance and science fiction/fantasy/horror reviews sections will accept digital galleys for review consideration. This includes galleys for digital-first publications in those genres.
We especially encourage small and independent presses to make use of the new system, which we hope will make it easier to send us galleys three to four months ahead of publication. Uploading digital galleys is also an eco-friendly alternative to packaging and shipping physical galleys.
Isn’t it just the coolest that “Sci-Fi/Romance” was part of the title? It almost seems like they wrote “Sci-Fi Romance.” Heh heh. Yeah, I’m easily excited like that.

Lucy Woodhull’s RAGNAR AND JULIET is now out. The author is showcasing her TEAM AMERICA-inspired book video at SFR Brigade, so check it out (by the way, I’m a huge TEAM AMERICA fan, so there’s double incentive for you!).
At Romance Writer’s Revenge, author Enid Wilson is giving away a digital copy of EVERY SAVAGE CAN REPRODUCE. Surprisingly, even Captain Jack Sparrow is a fan of sci-fi romance!
Finally, Functional Nerds recently featured a podcast with Lisa Paitz Spindler, author of THE SPIRAL PATH.
Joyfully yours,