Please note that there may be geographical restrictions:
refer to the Kindle lending FAQ
page for more information.
It’s first come, first serve. If there are any takers I’ll
post updates as the list shrinks.
HER CYBORG AWAKES (space opera) – Melisse Aires
THE MYTHMAKERS (space opera) – Robert Appleton
LADY DOCTOR WYRE (erotic Jane Austen space opera) – Joely
Sue Burkhart
UNNACCEPTABLE RISK (cyberpunk) – Jeannette Grey
KEIR (space opera) – Pippa Jay
HOTTER ON THE EDGE (anthology; erotic heat levels) – Erin
Kellison, KC Klein, Jessa Slade
UNTO ZEOR, FOREVER (vintage SFR; far future setting)–
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
FAR TOO HUMAN (erotic m/m steampunk romance) – Anitra Lynn
THE HUNTER (Western/steampunk/paranormal) – Theresa Meyers
UNKNOWN FUTURES (erotic f/f space opera) – Jessica E.
DISCOVERY (contemporary times; alien on Earth) – A FAR OUT
FOR LOVE OF ETARIN (erotic m/m) – Angelia Sparrow
BREAK AND ENTER (m/m cyberpunk) – Aleksandr Voinov &
Rachel Haimowitz
Joyfully yours,