Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blogging About Lesbian Space Aliens & Sci-Fi Romance Sequels

Upon learning that Strange Flesh Press sought :...content of interest to readers of lesbian romance, lesbian erotica, and all femslash (F/F) fiction," I submitted a few of my previous TGE posts and they were accepted! First up is Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same. Two more posts will appear in the near future and I plan on submitting original posts as well. So send me your recommendations for f/f sci-fi romance!

About Strange Flesh Press:
We are a lesbian (femslash, F/F)  micropress dedicated to providing compelling stories about women who hunger for other women.

We have a vision. We feel erotic fiction is the toughest genre to write well and the last to be acknowledged as legitimate. As a subgenre, lesbian erotic fiction is even more marginalized. We’re changing that by publishing erotic stories you remember long after you…finish.

Those who work at and with Strange Flesh Press, LLC are dedicated to supporting diversity among women and their lives. We’re also dedicated to helping parents prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate content. Our site is labeled as restricted to adults through the ASACP.

This week's SF Signal Mind Meld is about Sequels We Want to Novels We Love. I was invited to participate, which gave me a chance to share stories about how two authors of SFR have already generously granted my wishes! I also discussed my wish for a sequel from another SFR. Check out my answer to discover which book!

Joyfully yours,